Fantasy Digital

Big things are Coming! FTXXX

Hey FantasyFanatics!

The FD team is excited to announce that we have secured 12 months of adult advertising with leading industry publication 
Additional we have hired a new PR company to handle all our Twitter/Instagram socials, manage our company ambassadors, schedule model/management interviews & submit elements of our project for industry awards.

The team is working hard to add new functions including model AMAs, Fantasy Polls, VR Movie Nights, StripNFTease Memberships , and more.

We are working on the first topless club event in the Decentaland Metaverse, which will be a double event paired up with our PeepShow Adult NFT Showcase.
The private VR club event will be the launch of our Lux build in DCL. Which will feature retail, xxx movie theater, members only cam rooms and a roof top 2 level club.

Now is the time to get your FTXXX

More to come! LFG!

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